Business After Hours
Date and Time
Thursday Sep 14, 2023
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM EDT
Second Thursday of the Month
5pm to 7pm
NO Need to Register...
Just Come and Have Fun!
Sponsor for this month: Farmers and Merchants State Bank
Location for this month: Parlor 1861 located at 137 S. Main Street
(On the east side of the Square)
Free to all members, their associates, and friends.

Business After Hours is like a vibrant cocktail party where local professionals gather to network and unwind. It's the perfect opportunity to mingle and connect with fellow professionals in our community. Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting out, this event is for you! Don't miss out on this chance to expand your business contacts and maybe even make some new friends along the way. Plus, who doesn't love a little after-work fun and a chance to win some money?
Each month, a drawing is held for the jackpot. Each business that is a member of the chamber is eligible. Sometime during the 2-hour event, a drawing will be held. If someone is present from that company, they will win the jackpot. If no one is present, a 2nd business is drawn, repeating the process on a 3rd business. If no winner, the jackpot will roll over to the next BAH event.