Business After Hours
Date and Time
Thursday Mar 13, 2025
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM EDT
Second Thursday of the Month
5pm to 7pm
NO Need to Register...
Just Come and Have Fun!
Sponsor for this month: Bryan Theater
Location for this month: The Airbnb above the Old Sound Shoppe
Free to all members and their associates!
Business After Hours is an opportunity for an informal get-together with other Chamber investors. It's a chance to make new business contacts, meet new and prospective chamber investors, and talk with friends.
Each month, a drawing is held for the jackpot. Each business that is a member of the chamber is eligible. Sometime during the 2-hour event, a drawing will be held. If someone is present from that company, they will win the jackpot. If no one is present, a 2nd business is drawn, repeating the process on a 3rd business. If no winner, the jackpot will roll over to the next BAH event.
March jackpot is $700

Drawn Last Month but not present....
Watson Well Drilling
The Hideaway
La Bonita Bakery